Sunday, January 19, 2014

2nd week stats

Weight: 262.4 (-5.4) R Bicep: 16 (-.85) L Bicep: 15 (-.25) Chest: 50 (-.5) Hips: 55.5 (-.5) Waist: 52.75 R thigh: 32.75 L Thigh: 31.5 R Calf: 17.5 L thigh: 17.75 (-.25)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Starting statistics

Stats from 1/4
R bicep 16.15
L bicep 15.25
Chest 50.5
Hips 56
Waist 49.5
R thigh 32.5
L thigh 31.25
R calf 17.5
L calf 18
Weight: 267.8

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


While thinking about my New Years resolutions I had a flurry of thoughts and emotions. I couldn't decided what my true feelings were regarding my health and weightloss; frustration, sadness, hope, excitement, fear, worthlessness, exhaustion, anger. I could go on and on. I knew I had to make changes but why must it be so hard. In 2013, I found myself making many excuses. I have been overweight since I was 12. I have lost weight in the past just to gain it back. I really don't eat unhealthy so I give myself other excuses; maybe I have hypothyroidism or a slow metabolism. My cholesterol and blood pressure is perfect. I have had my blood sugars checked multiple times (others are convinced I must be diabetic) and it is also perfect. Other than knee pain, I don't have any other physical restraints. I have bought multiple at home workout programs, workout equipment, joined multiple free programs, and I have a gym membership that I haven't used in a year. So I don't have an excuse. The problem is me. I lack motivation, knowledge, and have a huge fear of failing. Not of failing myself but failing others. So, as 2014 begins I am going to do it differently this time. 1. Take it slow- There is so much information out there. With pinterest, facebook, television shows, online programs, etc it easy to get overhelmed with information. I am going to take what works for me and leave the rest. 2. Take it 1 day at a time- I am not perfect. I am going to slip up sometimes but I won't get down on myself or use it as an excuse to give up. If I make a bad choice or have a bad day, I will make sure that my next choice is the correct one. I also want to enjoy those fun occasions so I may splurge every now and then but that is OK. 3. Don't be afraid to push myself- My husband has helped push me to do things I never thought I could do being overweight. I have rock climbed, ice climbed, mountain biked, hiked higher and longer, and much more. I want to take on more challanges and push myself to do better. 4. Set goals- I have found that if I schedule to get something done, I will get it done. 5. Plan- Life gets busy. I will plan out my weeks workouts and food being sure to include some fun. 6. Get Healthy for me- I have always worried about what others think of me and my weight. I don't feel I have ever been treated differently due to my weight but I do feel that people are watching and judging. I had lost 50 lbs last year and I frequently heard others say, "she is happier". I hadn't recognized it until I heard that statement. I am not happy being overweight. I want to be happy and healthy for me. In turn I will be a much better spouse, boss, employee, step-mother, sister, and daughter. 7. Hold myself accountable- As part of holding myself accountable I will be journaling in my blog and creating a facebook fitness account. When I mess-up I will admit it. If people are watching and reading I not only help keep myself accountable I may motivate others to get healthy. 8. Enjoy the little things: family, friends, nature, and life. So, here is to 2014 and a happy healthier me!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


The past couple days have been hard. Not only is my monthly friend in town but my husband is gone. All of the fun, tasty snack food that my husband has in the kitchen is very tempting but I must admit I have stayed strong. I did have a couple spoons of vanilla bean ice cream (my down fall) and it was good. But it was only three small bites which was good enough for me. I am bored and frustrated. I can't go to the gym after work cause I have to let the dogs out and once I am home I am staying. I do love doing Jillian Michaels "30 day shred" video. It kicks my butt every time but man it feels good. I now realize that I eat when I am bored or lonely so I have challanged myself to do other things like clean or read a good book. The weather has been really crappy so not much time is spent outside (another reason I feel bad for my dogs).

Alyssah and I have another fun fundraising walk this weekend. We are raising money for Chrohns research. Two of our friends struggle with Chrohns disease so we are excited to help. It will be a fun evening at Sugarhouse park.

Lost a pound today. Ok, I lost the pound that I gained last weekend but still I lost it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Couch to 5K

So on top of losing weight I want to be able to run a half marathon with my dad next year. My dad doesn't know this yet but yes dad we are running a half marathon next year. Of course I am starting slow by training for a 5K then working my way up. There is a great program here in Salt Lake called Team in Training We can create a team if anyone wants to join and we are raising money for Leukemia & Lymphoma research.
They provide a hands on training regimen, nutrition and injury prevention. The also hold weekely team workouts to help keep everyone on track. You can challange yourself to complete a marathon, half marathon, triathlon, hiking, or 100 mile bike ride. Yes, I am scared to death but everyone in my family have always been active in running and I want to join them. I may need a breast reduction so I don't hurt myself :) but hopefully the weight loss will help with that. Josh thinks I am crazy about this whole weight loss and work out deal. I am a little obsessed right now. I am scared to death of gaining back what I have already lost but I feel good. I started running yesterday and it wasn't to bad. I workout at the gym in the hospital (thank you IHC for saving me $40 a month on a gym membership). The guy on the tread mill next to me helped keep me motivated even though he didn't know it. Its harded to give up when someone is watching you.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Weight loss journal

At first I started a little writing journal and found that it just takes to long. I get tired of writing before I get done writing what I want to remember. So why not start another blog. Besides it will keep me honest. The more people in this world who know about my weight loss plans the less likely I am to fail. Right?!!

So I originally started this adventure taking HCG drops. The way it works is it targets your hypothalimus. Most women lose about 20 lbs in a 30-40 day time period. It is a strict diet and it was hard but so worth it. For someone like me I need a jump start. It also helped me learn portion control and a healthy way of eating. I lost 25 pounds using HCG and am very, very glad I did so.

Now I am continuing my weight loss doing weight watchers and working out. I have started this phase at 237 pounds. I have a lot to go but I can do it and am excited about living this new life style. It is funny to me how I no longer crave sweets. Birthday parties and chocolate factory trips don't bother me. Ya, would it taste good. For sure! But is it worth it? No! Don't get me wrong. I will certainly enjoy pure sugar fix every now an then but not very often.